Kingdom pursuit

Kingdom pursuit

Kingdom Pursuit The pursuance of the Kingdom of God reveals the heart of God for man. Matthew 6:33, shows how God so desires to liberate man from a wasteful life pursuit which attains nothing. God commands everybody to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and has clearly revealed how He has tied access to all others things which man needs to the Kingdom of God. This also reveals how God exposes access to unlimited resources that guarantees mastery, liberty and dominion. We also see how openly hangs the keys to unlimited blessings and directing us to get it. On this, I conclude that God is good and has no evil intention. God preceded with exposing fruitless paths that guarantees nothing upon which many thread to access salvation, peace, joy, wealth, health and so on. Now why would God command that we seek the Kingdom above our immediate needs? The wisdom of this lies in the command given to...
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The Kingdom in Focus

The Kingdom in Focus

The Kingdom in Focus Mathew 6:33 is one of most commonly quoted scriptures in the bible. There are many who quote it but their lives doesn't depict what they say. Their lives doesn't depict what they say because they don't understand what that scripture means. Hear is the Question: Why should we seek the Kingdom? What is the logic behind that scripture? In order to fully understand its important let go back to verse 25 when Jesus started laying the premise for verse 33 of Mathew 6. In verse 25 of Mathew 6, Jesus said; Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment. According to Jesus your body is more important than the clothe you will put on your body and life is more important than meat. Why? The clothe is necessary...
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