PRAYER ARROWS FOR SUPERNATURAL BREAKTHROUGH Dangerous prayers are loaded with awesome prayer arrows against the enemies in realm of the spirit. It is for anybody that wants to be free from satanic oppression, suppression and depressions and experience breakthrough in his or her life. Dangerous prayers give you a deep inside into spiritual warfare and how we can overcome the enemy with Word of God and power of prayer. The prayer points here contains daily prayers to liberate anyone from manipulations of the evil one, dismantle and destroys spiritual remote controls devises, that touches every area of finances, marriage, our Christian walk and opens doors that have been closed by the devil in the realm of the spirit. Secondly it also transforms the one who pray into warrior for Christ Jesus, A Christian who becomes dangerous to the devil and the kingdom of darkness. He/she begins to carry anointing of the Holy Ghost to stand in the gap as an intercessor for many who are in need, afflicted and bondage of the wicked.  Many people...
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