Passion For Pray

Passion For Pray

In the opinion of many, of the many spiritual disciplines, nothing is more important than prayer and holiness.  But let’s talk about prayer now. Nothing will quite impact our spiritual development like a well-developed prayer lifestyle. However, prayer has sadly become one of the most neglected of disciplines in our hurried lives today.  If you hunger for a closer walk with God, the following six points will help you to develop your prayer life in a more meaningful way. Importance of Prayer.   With God, everything revolves around relationship. God desires you to know Him, to love Him, and to make Him the number one priority of your life.  While He desires our service, it falls a distant second to relationship. In Luke 10:38 we read of Jesus in the home of Mary and Martha. Martha was focused on service, taking care of her guests and other things.  In contrast, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and drank in the words that Jesus spoke. Martha complained...
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