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With the current threatening missile attack on Guam, a US military base, North Korea has been placed under the magnifying glass. Trans World Radio (TWR) has ministry operations in Guam and has already been launching something else into North Korea. Something they cannot shoot down. Something that has extreme impact. Something that combats the stalwart grip of tyranny and fear and hatred — radio broadcasts of the Gospel. TWR receive responses from people in North Korea. It is reported that people who have a radio keep it in a plastic bag and will bury it during the daytime and then dig it up at night and listen to the broadcast. A lot of times, people listen in very small groups in homes. It is evident that there are groups of believers in North Korea and the Church is alive and well and probably growing under persecution. (Source: Mission Network News). Declare over the Church in North Korea: Christ will build His church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18).

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