The Call to Be a Full-Time Intercessory Missionary

The Call to Be a Full-Time Intercessory Missionary

The Lord is calling people to a full-time ministry occupation that I refer to as an intercessory missionary. I define an intercessory missionary as one who does the work of the kingdom from the place of prayer and worship, while embracing a missionary lifestyle and focus. Others may define this term in a different way. At CFWPC, as a rule, we ask those who embrace this full-time occupation of “intercessory missionary” to commit to fifty hours per week, including being in the prayer room for at least four hours a day, six days a week. People sometimes ask me what an intercessory missionary is and where it is in the Bible. In principle, this calling and occupation is found throughout the Bible. In this article, I will briefly mention where this calling is found in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, particularly in end-time prophecy, its presence throughout church history, and how it is being embraced today in contemporary...
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