Christian Prayer Wall, What is it?

Christian Prayer Wall, What is it?

Many Christians, like me, want to enjoy an active prayer life. Wondering how to pursue a more fulfilling prayer life, I was reminded of a prayer wall. I’ve heard that Christian prayer walls are an avenue to make my prayer requests known and to discover the prayer needs of others. But I am wondering what a Christian prayer wall really is… and how can I even find one? What is a Christian Prayer Wall?  A Christian prayer wall is a designated place for people to post their prayer needs, usually in written form. In response, a surrounding community of believers will pray for the posted requests. Prayer “walls” can even be found online, amongst a community of believers, where one can find prayer requests from fellow believers on these sites. The origins of Christian Prayer Walls? The origins of Christian prayer walls are unknown. But we do know that prayer is a significant part of the active Christian lifestyle. Paul wants the Church to understand that we are...
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